Immigration Lawyer For Federal Skilled Trades

Federal Skilled TradesImmigration Lawyer In Toronto

A Federal Skilled Trades Immigration Lawyer in Toronto can help you get a permanent residency visa. They will explain how to apply for a visa, how to get your certificate, and the Point system. They will also explain the requirements for permanent residency. Here is a list of questions you should ask your immigration lawyer about your skilled trades visa application. If you have any questions, contact our firm today to get started.

Arrangement of employment

The arranged employment category is part of the Federal Skilled Worker program, which allows foreign nationals to work in Canada as permanent employees. Employers in Canada may offer jobs in these fields to foreign nationals who are able to demonstrate their skill and dedication. These applications are processed with priority by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and are generally adjudicated within six months. To qualify for arranged employment, the job must be in a skilled occupation, paying a living wage and providing benefits of permanent residency.

Point system

The Federal Skilled Trades Program has a point system. To qualify, you must have at least two years of experience in a skilled trade. You can also have part-time work, which can equal at least two years of full-time work. Applicants must meet the minimum language requirement of CLB 4, which means that they must be able to read and write in English and French. You must take the test through an agency approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada.

Requirements for application

The federal government has recently updated its rules for obtaining a work permit for the Federal Skilled Trades Class. To qualify, you need to have a skilled trades diploma or other document that shows that you have the required skill level for the job. You can obtain this type of work permit if you have an offer of employment from an employer in Canada. However, there are specific requirements for these temporary work permits.

Requirements for permanent residency

If you are interested in applying for permanent residency in Canada and are a skilled trades worker, you can do so by meeting the program's minimum requirements. You can calculate your Comprehensive Ranking System score (CRS) and submit an online Express Entry profile. If your profile is received, you'll be parked in a pool of qualified candidates. Express Entry holds draws every two weeks, selecting the highest scoring candidates who receive an Invitation to Apply.


Before you hire an immigration lawyer for your application, consider these factors. Immigration lawyers are highly qualified in various fields and can help you to get a green card. Their extensive analysis and practical know-how are invaluable for your case. Moreover, they will help you to stay in Canada while working for a new company. If you are interested in working in Canada, you can contact a Toronto immigration lawyer today.

Locations of immigration lawyers in Canada

There are many options for skilled workers to come to Canada for permanent residence. The Federal Skilled Trades Program is managed under the Express Entry programme, and is open to applicants in various trades who meet specific employment criteria. Applicants need to take a recognized or approved language test to show that they have the ability to work in Canada. Foreign nationals must also obtain an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) to claim additional points under the Canadian Resident System (CRS).


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